David Duchovny plastic surgeries

Few words about David Duchovny

David Duchovny is a well-known person in the movie industry and in the music industry. He is born in 7th of August 1960 in New York, United States. David Duchovny started his public appearances in 1987 and during the years he became one of the most successful actors and director in the movie industry, everything culminating in winning the Golden Globe in 1997 and 2008.

Pressure of public image

As an actor and film director, you might be always on the screens and on the front page in the media. So, David Duchovny as one of the best American actors, with a high success in this industry, is one of those that are very often seen on the newspapers pages and attending a large variety of TV shows. Due to this, with the passage of the years, he could have been interested in plastic surgery because these interventions are very used nowadays, especially by those who work in the music industry, film industry or television. If you ask maybe which those reasons for which David Duchovny has decided to take plastic surgery are, then we may consider that the pressure of getting old and fans’ opinions are reasons that convinced him to take this step. If David Duchovny really made plastic surgery, because we don’t have any proof.

David Duchovny plastic surgery

But why there are opinions saying that David Duchovny suffered plastic surgery?

Even if plastic surgery is nowadays very common in a wide range of domains, these interventions are not always accepted by those that choose to use them in order to look better and remain longer in the film and music industries, as David Duchovny.

But there are some specialists’ opinions that saying that David Duchovny has used plastic surgery. These speculations are based on comparing his photos during the time. Before and after comparison shows that David Duchovny looks younger at 55 than when he was 30. His photos before and after comparison shows a smooth face, without wrinkles and his face is still tight. Based on this before and after comparison, plastic surgeons talk about possible plastic surgery interventions suffered by David Duchovny.

David Duchovny’s surgery procedures

Even if plastic surgeons don’t have any guarantee that David Duchovny has taken some surgeries in order to look better even if he is getting old, there are many opinions speaking about this fact. Why. Because before and after photos comparisons seem to indicate this thing, they are almost convinced of that.

According to plastic surgeons, David Duchovny’s procedures include facelift, a filler injection with Botox and a brow lift. Facelift procedure will delay aging signs and due to this David was interested in taking care of his wrinkles. Facelift is usually followed by a filler injection with Botox.

David Duchovny before and after plastic surgery

Doubts regarding David Duchovny’s plastic surgery

Even if David Duchovny’s face looks like 20 years ago, plastic surgeons admit that he had to be under the knife of a very good plastic surgeon. Because there were many actors, singers who after a plastic surgery, there were obvious signs of these procedures. David seems like he never suffered such a procedure. But even so, plastic surgeons debating this topic are convinced that only the skills of David’s surgeon made possible that he still looks very young and without any surgery mark on his face.


Due to the fact that David never confirmed any plastic surgery, only before and after photos analysis led to the idea that he suffered some plastic surgery. The dilemma in the media is if David Duchovny has good genes or good surgeons. Maybe sometime we will find the answer to this question, but we think that a good actor, director and singer may show even his wrinkles on his face as a proof of his hard work during the years.


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