Dolly Parton is reported as being the Queen of Plastic Surgery. She has transformed her face to look like a dolly and is obsessed with eternal youth. She also seems to be determined to stop the aging process by having any available procedure.

No stranger to surgery, Dolly has herself admitted to having endless amounts of surgery; breast implan

ts, brow lift, face lift, eyelid surgery (Blepharoplasty), neck lift, liposuction, chin augmentation and an overaggressive rhinoplasty (nose job).


There are different types of facelifts. All entail cutting the skin around the ears and pulling the skin of the face back to remove excess. Can result in a smoother jawline, less fat in the neck and an overall younger look. Lunchtime facelifts are invasive. These are suture only lifts such as the Contour Thread lift or Silhouette Lift. Don’t believe these lunchtime facelifts as they have disastrous results.


Designed to remove excess skin and fat from upper and lower eyelids. Procedure takes 1 hour. Performed under sedation or general anaesthetic. Minimal discomfort. Patients usually look good within 1-2 weeks. Upper blepharoplasty – corrects drooping eyelids which sag with time. Thin scar placed in the upper eyelid crease. Excess skin removed along with fat.
Dolly Parton plastic surgery

Rhinoplasty (Blepharoplasty)

One of the most common plastic surgery procedures. Can reduce or increase the size of the nose, remove unwanted lumps, change the shape of the tip or bridge and narrow width of the nostrils. Two types – The Open Technique and The Closed Techhnique.

The Open Technique – Plastic surgeon makes an incision just inside nostrils. Peels skin back. Changes made to the bone and cartilage done to change to desired shape. Once finished, skin laid back down and incisions sutured together. Allows better control over whole procedure. Closed technique is where plastic surgeon makes incisions only inside nostrils. Nose shaped by performing procedures under the skin. Nicer results with less scar and less swelling.

Forehead Lift

Known also as a browlift is used to correct a drooping browline/eyebrow area. Reduces the horizontal lines and furrows that often make someone look angry, sad or tired.Gives a refreshed, youthful appearance to the forehead area above the eyes.

Dolly Parton before and after plastic surgery

Fat Grafting

Facial aging involves drooping of the skin and loss of volume. Gaunt look in the face often seen in the lips, cheeks and under the eyes. Best treated with Facial Fat Grafting. Fat removed from tummy or thighs via small incision and re injected into areas of the face which have become gaunt. Minimal discomfort and scars.

Breast Augmentation

Very popular for women and most commonly performed procedure. A saline or silicone gel implant is placed under the crease in the breast, around the nipple, through armpit or belly button. Can be placed under breast tissue or beneath chest wall muscle. After surgery, breasts will appear fuller with increased volume and more shapely contour. Dolly’s enhanced bust size is obvious.


Removes fat under chin and neck to produce a sharper jaw and neckline. Best for patients who have elastic skin.Involves a 1 cm incision under skin. Older patients not good candidates. Often no pain relief needed. Laser-assisted liposuction also aids in tightening skin. Not as effective as actual facelift.

She looks amazing for her age and doesn’t look old. Her face is smooth and tight, you cannot find any wrinkles, small lines or sagging skin around her face and neck. She has obviously had Botox, a face lift and neck lift as well. Plastic surgery has also played an important part in creating her very smooth, youthful appearance. Although she has altered her appearance it doesn’t mean she looks better. Excessive use of surgery has transformed her into a dolly.

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