Nancy O’Dell’s plastic surgery

Nancy O’Dell is an American host and entertainment journalist that was born on February 25, 1966 at Sumter, South Carolina. Her given name was Nancy Evelyn Humphries that graduated with flying colors at Clemson University with a degree in Marketing. She began her career as a reporter and anchor at WPDE-TV in her home town in North Carolina.

She became known in the Hollywood scene when she joined Access Hollywood on its debut in 1996. She also covers big events in Hollywood like the Oscars, The Emmys, The Grammys and the Golden Globe. And not to mention a number of pre-shows for The Emmys and the Golden Globe that she co-hosted. She also co-hosted the 2004 and 2005 Miss Universe.

Nancy O'Dell plastic surgery

No wrinkles, no lines, nothing but smooth and flawless face. That is how O’Dell looks like right now. Even at her 40’s her face is free of unnecessary lines. We can’t deny that she’s beautiful but it is rumored that it was because of injection. Yes you are right, she probably have Botox. Having smooth and stiff skin is a natural effect of Botox and not a magic of makeup. Botox is a non-surgical treatment that is very famous celebrities then and now. Luckily, the result of Botox is good in O’Dell’s face making her more beautiful and attractive in front of the camera. Aside from her Botox, you can also see that she has a smaller and more defined nose because of Rhinoplasty, fuller lips and cheeks are more defined because of Restylane and Juvederm. Adding the magic of Botox, she achieved the looks that she is aiming for.

O’Dell undergoes the knife surgery to add an implant to her breast. After giving birth, O’Dell’s body changed a lot. Plus, she is breastfeeding her daughter which can result to soggy breasts. Even before giving birth her pictures could show that she has smaller breasts. Right now, O’Dell has a bigger and fuller breasts. She probably undergo the surgery to prevent having soggy breasts. It is also rumored that she have a butt enhancement. Her pictures before shows a smaller butt and has a slimmer and taller body built. Her pictures on the other hand have today shows that she has bigger and round butt which makes her look  better that before.

Nancy O'Dell before and after plastic surgery

At the age of 41, O’Dell was able to give birth. In her recent interview, O’Dell denied the speculation of doing plastic surgery saying that she’s too afraid to do it. Undergo a surgery or not, the end result really fits her. It makes her more beautiful and more confident to herself.

It’s normal for celebrities to undergo surgeries. This might be the reason why some like O’Dell looks younger that before. Some of them is not to become attractive but to boast your confidence when dealing with other people. O’Dell whether the surgery is real or not, she have a perfect face and body, that she really aim for. The end result is perfect giving her a beautiful body after giving birth. In the end, O’Dell will still give us the latest in the Hollywood, under surgery or not.


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