Julia Louis-Dreyfus Plastic Surgeries

Born in on January 13, 1961, Julia Louis-Dreyfus is an American actress famous for TV comedies Saturday Night Live, Veep, and her sequel Seinfeld; She is one of the American stars that look too young for their ages. Rumors about her plastic surgery spread when she became a Shape Magazine model in the April issue, where she looks better than she did 11 years ago on Seinfeld– one of the most successful sitcoms of all times.

In the recent interviews, she has accredited her gorgeous looks and firm body to healthy eating and regular exercise. In her statement, Julia Louis-Dreyfus says that she ‘enjoys a huge salad just like Elaine- her Seinfeld character.’ She claims that she has found the key to healthy living in eating what you really love and in her case that would be two eggs fried in olive oil, and a slice of whole-wheat bread with some honey. Apparently, a plate of salad and your favorite meal goes a long way. It goes without saying that a body like that comes with exercising, but I have not heard of Anti-aging workout plan. Julia Louis-Dreyfus is rumored to have had three plastic surgeries so far, and the evidence of that lies in her before and after pictures.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus plastic surgery

Julia Louis-Dreyfus- Botox

As I earlier said Julia Louis-Dreyfus insists that her body is plastic free but her before and after photos suggest otherwise. If you compare the actress who appeared in Veep and Adventure of Old Christine to the recent pictures of Julia Louis-Dreyfus, you will realize that the two shows no 10-20 years margin. Instead, Julia Louis-Dreyfus remains youthful, and with a touch of glamor. In fact, most of her fans prefer her recent look. In her justification, she says that she was pregnant two times in the Seinfeld days, and that could be the reason her before and after pictures tend to disagree. Botox injections are a form of plastic surgery that has slowed Julia Louis-Dreyfus’s aging process hence her youthful, glowing looks. This procedure is one of those textbook examples of a successful plastic surgery.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus- Nose job

This plastic surgery remains a shot in the dark because it is hard to state for a fact that Julia Louis-Dreyfus altered her nose. She always had a small nose shape. However, a sizable number insist that the nose structure varies as per her before and after photos. I will let you be the judge of that. If she did have plastic surgery, she did mini-rhinoplasty, and the specialist did a good job.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus before and after plastic surgery

Julia Louis-Dreyfus- Breast augmentation

Also, another hard to prove speculation. Ever since her early years, Julia Louis-Dreyfus always had big breasts, so the size is, of course, all natural. However, with the years passing and the pregnancies, I doubt the exercise has kept the breasts round and firm throughout her life. Again the before and after photos show a too good to be true 55 years old burst.
For a 55-year-old Julia Louis-Dreyfus sure looks way better than most 30-year-olds. I am glad she found her fountain of youth. May she keep on drinking from it.



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